and gruesome death.But let me tell you, folks, whenyou need a friend, Winchester isby your side.Īs he tries to recall the speech, the little Indianbraves begin sliding up the metal hill. Many's the time I've foundmyself surrounded by a swarm ofangry hostiles - with nothing butthis rifle between me and acertain. Only a few people are paying attention as he looks at thelittle toy soldiers and Indians, then out at a manholding cue cards, and haltingly begins.ĪLGREN. You'retoo kind.įor a moment, he looks down at the rifle in his hands.ĪLGRENThis, Ladies and Gents, is the Gunthat is Winning the West. Algren takes a last furtive swigfrom a flask, steels himself, then climbs onstage,stumbling on the steps.ĪLGRENMy thanks, Mr. Do the speech and don'tbother coming back tomorrow. WINCHESTER REPThis company has an image touphold, you know. The rep goes to straightenAlgren's tie and recoils at the whiskey fumes on hisbreath. Next, the rep makes the mistake ofshaking him.Īlgren suddenly and ferociously comes to life, grabbingthe man by the throat, terrifying him.įor a moment it seems possible that Algren might chokethe man to death, but gradually he comes to his senses. The rep attemptsto awaken him, but Algren barely opens his eyes beforeshutting them again. He heads behind the stage where he comes upon a manleaning against a wall, half-asleep on his feet -CAPTAIN NATHAN ALGREN, U.S. (to the audience)One moment, Ladies andGentlemen. Ladies and Gents, Ipresent to you: Captain NathanAlgren!Ī smattering of polite applause. WINCHESTER REPHe is late of the 7th Cavalry andtheir triumphant campaigns againstthe most savage Indian Nations.Decorated again for his gallantryin vanquishing the awful andterrible Cheyenne at the WashitaRiver. A troop ofUnion cavalry facing brightly-painted Indian Braves onhorseback. LITTLE TIN SOLDIERS line up in a diorama. Winnerof the Medal of Honor for hisgallantry on the hallowed groundof Gettysburg.

WINCHESTER REPOne of the most decorated warriorsthis country has ever known. Banners declaim the virtues of Winchesterand Springfield. Scantily-clad lovelies inred-white-and-blue undies demonstrate the nation's newestexport: arms. CONVENTION HALL (SAN FRANCISCO) - DAY 3Ī trade show is in progress. WINCHESTER REP (V.O.)And now Ladies and Gentlemen, themoment you've been waiting for.Winchester, America's leader inall forms of armament used by theUnited States Army, celebrates ourNation's centennial by bringingyou a true American hero.ģ INT. We will come to know him later.ĬREDITS OVER the FAINT SOUND of a BRASS BAND. The TIGER's eyesburn as he lunges at one tormentor, claws at another.Suddenly, the TIGER leaps over them all and BURSTS INTOFLAME.